We are a Bible believing Church, whose heart is for reaching out to those of all ages and backgrounds with the Good News of the Gospel.

We are a bunch of ordinary people from many places and backgrounds; all with one thing in common: a love for Jesus and a love for people. We are committed to reaching as many people as possible with this message of Hope and love in the person of Jesus Christ. We invite you to look through the site and either to make contact with queries or prayer requests, or to call up to one of the meetings.

May God bless you,
Pastor Barry

Join us for Sunday Service

Join us for Church every Sunday at 11am! Come for a time of Worship and a word shared from the Lord. Everyone is welcome, whether online or in person we are so glad you can meet with us. Located on 9 Northland Road, BT48 7HY or alternatively tune in through our Youtube or Facebook livestream.

Join us for Daily Prayer

Join us for Prayer Monday-Friday from 10-11am. This is held via Google Meet and the link is sent every morning through the church Whatsapp group chat. If you want to get involved, please get in contact with us. All our details are located on the contact page.

Join us for Wednesday Prayer

Join us for our Prayer Meeting every Wednesday Night from 7-9pm. You are welcome to come along and join with us in prayer, as we bring our requests and petitions before the Lord. You are so welcome to come in whether you are a believer or want to know more about God.

Held at Derry Donegal Christian Fellowship, 9 Northland Road, BT48 7HY.

Join us for our Women's Meeting

Join us for our monthly women’s meeting held at Derry Donegal Christian Fellowship. These are held on the First Tuesday of every month from 7:30-9:00pm. Every woman is welcome whether you are a follower of Christ or want to know more about Jesus we would love to have you join with us. We have a time for sharing, Prayer and cups of tea and buns. 

Join us for Foodshare

Join us for Foodshare every Wednesday from 12:00-2:00pm. 

Foodshare is a walk in food service for those who are struggling and in need of food. This service is open to anyone who is struggling, you do not have to register or fill out any forms to avail of this service. to find out more go to ‘Our services’ and read about the work we do through Foodshare. 

Join us for Sunday School

During our Sunday service we provide classes for our young children and youth after the Breaking of Bread. There is 3 different classes throughout for different age groups. We have our 4-7 year olds taught upstairs the foundations of the bible through different activities and stories. Our 7-11 years olds are taught downstairs and we have a bible class for our youth aging from 12-16 years old. We encourage our older teens to come in and sit under the word of God during service on Sundays.

Parents Room

During Sunday Service we have a room located upstairs which is open to all parents and care givers with young children. This room is there to provide an environment for you to enjoy the service whilst your child has the freedom to play. The service is streamed live so you will still be partaking.

Upcoming Events

Wed 3rd- Fri 5th July 2024

Register now for our Kids Summer Camp! Located in Magee Sports Hall on Wednesday 3rd- Friday 5th July from 3:30-5:30pm. Copy the link below to register now. http://lnkiy.in/Kids-club-form

2nd-8th July 2024

We have a team from all over the United States coming to serve the church the first week of July! We will be doing a variety of outreach and ministry activities including lots of fellowship. Please come and join with us!

Sunday Service

You are invited to join with us on Sundays at 11am for fellowship.